Tripppin Hands

Tripppin Hands
Trippin thru the Botanical

Monday, July 4, 2011

Trippin Over Hidden Secrets

Trippin Over Secrets
Pen and Ink Drawing
Image 6"x6"
by lee heinsen-ligocki
What did he say?

I am not sure, but surely he was exaggerating.

Oh my gosh! He isn't lying.
I think I'll stay quiet...close the curtains in the rig.
Listening in the shadow behind the doors.
This can't be true.

Another story I am hearing...pretending not listen.
But I do hear..I could turn it off.
But they want me to eves drop!
Is it the shock!
I want to hear if they can expand on their tall tales.
Don't they realize they are talking over a CB radio.
Sure they's all fabrication.
Just another story...lies, exaggerations, fabrications.
Now they are getting into details.
This can't be real!
Disturbingly so.

Their secrets are no longer secrets.
Or are they?
Because those listening will never
hear them again?
Forget what was told?
Forget who told the yarn?
Just another story like hundreds before?

Secrets told behind the doors.
Secrets told behind the curtains.
Secrets they all tell.
Secrets they all believe.

Secrets they are no more.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Trippin Turtle To The Other Side

A journey along state road 78
Along the Mississoui National Wildlife Refuge
Experiencing their sense of preservation
Human and amphibian
With their creeping crawling determination
Cross the asphalt
As humans swerve in avoidance
As humans suddenly stop to rescue
As humans wave the traffic to halt
Allowing ancient creatures
To trudge forward to their asylum
Some would fit in pockets
Trippin Turtle To The Other Side
Ink Drawing
Image 6"x6"
by lee heinsen-ligocki

Some would fit in washtubs

No one allowed to defy
The reptiles’ journey
On highway 78 along the
Mississoui .

Trippin Around The Funnel

Exiting South Dakota 353
Remaining three minutes of fourteen hours
Can’t outrun destiny
The clock clicks faster
As the rear view mirror foretells the future.
The black succumbing sky,
Still and hot
Crossing over into
Turbulent and cold
Within seconds
Ice rocks pound the ground
As big rig shakes and leans.
Sirens blare
Red lights flashing
Take refuge inside the building
On the floor lies anxiety.
Creaking roof as the vacuum pulls.
Sudden silence accompanied a weird sense of timelessness.
Then it howls!
The rush dies within minutes.
Trippin Around The Tunnel
Ink Drawing
Image 6"x6"
by lee heinsen-ligocki

But a lifetime goes by.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trippin In The Sweet Smell Of Green

Trippin In The Sweet Smell Of Green
Ink Drawing
Image 6"x6"
by lee heinsen-ligocki
Unexpectantly is a memory
Do I remember when?
Do I remember where?
It does not matter.
It is from birth
That the sweet smell
Brings me back.
A distinct perfume of green
On a face warmed day
Lolling among the blades
Listening to the chiming leaves
Bequeaths my roots
In the sweet smell of green.
By lee heinsen-ligocki

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trippin' Over Toxic Evolution

Flowing into seas…. Fish growing legs with two heads.
Washing upon sands…. Tarred dead birds and beached whales.
Cumulating within clouds… Rain burns the skin.
Spilling into rivers… No turtles hatching, no frogs croaking.
Saturating soils… Plants not growing.
Masking the rays… An end to sunrise.
                               No way?   Really?    You’re kidding?

Trippin' Over Toxic Evolution,
 Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6", by lee (copyright)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Trippin On Night Driving

Thirty miles…twenty nine…twenty eight
Twenty seven.    Why counting down?
Maps don’t lie.
Arriving.      Soon?
Lights ahead!                     Another bend?
Parade of elephants…I didn’t see the deer.             It’s just three am?
Day started at sunset…dawn should be the near.
Feel upside down.
Skin begins to itch, legs feel numb
Watery eyes with dry blinks.         Forced focus on warning signs.
Another bend, another hill.
Over the road.                   Damned two lane drill.
Countdown was ten?
I see a glow!
Is it the sun?      
What?                  Not the town!
Still not there?                   Five miles more!
Fear.            Anxious.              
Fatigue.                              Relief.
Trippin' Over Night Driving
Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6" by lee (copyright)
Parked!             THE END!

Trippin Sarah's Place

US 6
Oh a hidden space
After 600 miles
Ten hour break.
Bartender said “Buck beer night and cod fish basket”.
 … One couldn’t go wrong.
In she walked
Blonde to the waist….boots to the knees…angel in white
Out came the dice
Rolled them twice.
“Set em up!” She said.
Again they rolled.
Bottles placed on the bar.
Beer flowed through her lips as if water over the falls.
Sitting in the corner as I observed the ritual
Till the bar was full 
Of brown glass residual.
I no longer existed.
All eyes were on
The angel in white…boots to her knees.
As hours passed
All were down
Except that lucky guy
Trippin' Sarah's Place
Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6", by lee (copyright)
He bought the last beer.

Trippin Sarah's Place

US 6
Oh a hidden space!
After 600 miles
Ten hour break.
Bartender said “Buck beer night and cod fish basket”.
 … One couldn’t go wrong.
In she walked
Blonde to the waist….boots to the knees…angel in white
Out came the dice
Rolled them twice.
“Set em up!” She said.
Again they rolled.
Bottles placed on the bar.
Beer flowed through her lips as if water over the falls.
Sitting in the corner as I observed the ritual
Till the bar was full
 Of brown glass residual.
 I no longer existed.
All eyes were on
The angel in white…boots to her knees.
As hours passed
All were down
Except that lucky guy
Who bought the last beer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Trippin Over Easter

Not brown eggs
Bring to boil
Colored tabs
Fingers yellow, blue, and brown
All rainbow one by one
Can I have more to dye?
Running circles
Going crazy
Where's the candy!
But the eggs aren't dry.
Searching for baskets
The sugar high.

 That's OK

They're going home,
I'm going to the woods.

Trippin' Over Easter
Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6", by lee (copyright)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trippin through the Cascades

Another road trip.
Landscape billboards
Rivers of road.
Above and below views.
Miles ahead, miles behind.
Trippin' To The Cascades
Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6", by lee (copyright)
Experience the subline.
Forever exciting.
Continuously in awe.
Do it again?
But remember
Daddy said
Check the oil first.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trippin Through the Botanical

Trippin' Through The Botanical
Ink Drawing, Image 6"x6", by lee (copyright)
Rising from the earth.
Floating among the aquatics.
Organic as the botanical.
Among the transparent and translucent rainbow facets.
Life from molten sand.
Unclear creation from God or Man.
All alive.


About Me

My photo
Whenever I can stop, Wherever I am parked., United States
This is a journal encompassing years of my life. My job caused me not to have the luxury of a studio; nonetheless, did it stop me from being an artist? NEVER! An art studio was not even a possibility; yet, I was constantly stimulated and driven to create. This series of drawings reflect thoughts and experiences from hours of soltitude. Each image is subjective, but there is an underlying message a viewer can inwardly interpretate. Each illustration has a story. Each image depicts layers of life....not always ....good...bad...pretty...ugly ....but a more truthful vision of the reality. Enjoy the humor, melancholy, and the disillusionment of daily life as a human being. Enjoy my stories. Enjoy my visions.