Tripppin Hands

Tripppin Hands
Trippin thru the Botanical

Monday, July 4, 2011

Trippin Over Hidden Secrets

Trippin Over Secrets
Pen and Ink Drawing
Image 6"x6"
by lee heinsen-ligocki
What did he say?

I am not sure, but surely he was exaggerating.

Oh my gosh! He isn't lying.
I think I'll stay quiet...close the curtains in the rig.
Listening in the shadow behind the doors.
This can't be true.

Another story I am hearing...pretending not listen.
But I do hear..I could turn it off.
But they want me to eves drop!
Is it the shock!
I want to hear if they can expand on their tall tales.
Don't they realize they are talking over a CB radio.
Sure they's all fabrication.
Just another story...lies, exaggerations, fabrications.
Now they are getting into details.
This can't be real!
Disturbingly so.

Their secrets are no longer secrets.
Or are they?
Because those listening will never
hear them again?
Forget what was told?
Forget who told the yarn?
Just another story like hundreds before?

Secrets told behind the doors.
Secrets told behind the curtains.
Secrets they all tell.
Secrets they all believe.

Secrets they are no more.

About Me

My photo
Whenever I can stop, Wherever I am parked., United States
This is a journal encompassing years of my life. My job caused me not to have the luxury of a studio; nonetheless, did it stop me from being an artist? NEVER! An art studio was not even a possibility; yet, I was constantly stimulated and driven to create. This series of drawings reflect thoughts and experiences from hours of soltitude. Each image is subjective, but there is an underlying message a viewer can inwardly interpretate. Each illustration has a story. Each image depicts layers of life....not always ....good...bad...pretty...ugly ....but a more truthful vision of the reality. Enjoy the humor, melancholy, and the disillusionment of daily life as a human being. Enjoy my stories. Enjoy my visions.